
Work closely with franchisors in seeking potential franchisees through its own networking or seminars. Organizing recruitment campaign through social media


Work together with Pernas in providing outlet setup capital to potential franchisees, through government franchise facility and BYOB program


Provide investment & equity funds to panel franchisors, invest and develop franchise stores together (joint management with panel franchisors)

About Us

Persatuan Perniagaan Francais Dan Digital Malaysia (Malaysia Franchise and Digital Business Association, MFDA), works through its government relations and public policy, media relations and educational programs to protect, enhance and promote franchising.

The association is one of the active organization representing Malaysian franchise operators. Over years, the MFDA has worked to educate Franchisors and Franchisees on beneficial methods and business practices to improve franchising.

Through its own effort, the MFDA, together with The Malaysian Institution of Retail Management, Franchise and Digital Learning Organization (MIRFD) has created standards that comply with the International Code of Ethics for franchising, and as a key industrial representative in promoting and developing proper and certified franchise business system, training, knowledge and skills to industry operator and experts, and also to create inter-industrial cooperation through online platform and institutional membership program.

Our Main Objectives

  • Cooperation and Networking

    To associate all franchise program operators and franchise business opportunity providers and to promote mutual business collaboration among each other’s.

  • Business Matching & Development

    To promote cross country cooperation, networking and business matching among franchise operators in Asean countries

  • E-Platform, Easier and Efficient

    To integrate all franchise products, services and business program under one online platform, informative and market searching will never be a burden to public

  • Digital Transformation for Future

    To promote and encourage digital transformation in franchise business system

  • Continuing Learning Attitude

    To promote life-continuing learning and skill improvement in all franchise operators